Major General Henry L. Moeller

Regimental Commander of the 102nd Cavalry Regiment 1938 – 1941

First Executive Officer for the 102nd Cavalry Regiment in 1925

Trooper Moeller joined the Essex Troop in 1908. Moeller was on leave to assist the Secretary of the Navy in Special Engineering work during World War I, and therefore was not active for World War I.

He was an active committee member in the planning, fund raising and construction of the addition to the Newark Armory needed to house Troop F and the Grillroom expansion.

He collaborated with the Farm Committee to search for, acquire and prepare the Farm property in West Orange. The Farm provided much needed pasture for the horses as well as a rifle range and a mounted pistol course for training purposes. He was the driving force behind the fund raising for all these projects, with the bulk of the donations coming from the Squadron Members and friends of the Essex Troop. IN 1936 Colonel Moeller played an active roll in the management of the construction of the West Orange Armory.

He played a major role in the organization and training of the newly formed 102nd Cavalry Regiment in 1921, working as the Executive Officer under Colonel Ballantyne.

He assumed command of the Regiment on 25 March 1938. Due to health issues, he was not mobilized with the Regiment in 1941.